
www.headphones-fashion.com our metabolism and s

There is no dearth of weight loss supplements and pills but there are just a select few that can ensure quick weight loss without any side effects.

Meratol is one of the latest addition in the list of slimming pills but it seems to be gaining a lot of media attention largely because of a high profile clientele that include Hollywood celebrities such as Courtney Cox etc.,

It supposed to a be a mix of 4 natural ingredients that includes:
prickly pear extract
capsicum extract
brown seaweed extract and
cactus extract

I must say that this presents a highly powerful blend of ingredients that together work to boost your metabolism and suppress your appetite.

1. Brown seaweed extract is highly effective in weight control. Now this is not just another seaweed extract. This is a high grad extract that is clinically proven to gel with the carbohydrates in your diet and prevent their absorption into your body. This reduces fat accumulation in your body.

This unabsorbed fat is then passed out naturally.

2. Cactus extract, on the other hand, is highly effective in suppressing your appetite. I am sure you are already aware of the appetite suppressing properties of Hoodia gordonii that is also a cacti plant,www.headphones-fashion.com. This cactus extract helps reduce your food cravings and makes you feel full when you are not. The net result in that you eat less than what you normally do. This results in caloric reduction and leads to weight loss.

3. Prickly pear is another ingredient in this weight loss pill that is known to boost your metabolism to ensure faster fat burning. It is also a rich source of antioxidants that helps flush out toxins from your system. This helps recharge your metabolism.

4. Capsicum Extract, is another important ingredient in this supplement. Capsicum is another metabolism booster. It tends to increase your body temperature and speeds up metabolism. It can make your body burn calories much faster.

The above combination of ingredients ensure weight loss even without any effort on your part.

However, it is best to combine such a supplement with little bit of exercise.

Since all the ingredients in Meratol are natural, there is hardly any possibility of side effects.

This is a supplement that can make you burn 12 times more calories and can lead to a drop of 3-5 pounds within week. Related articles:

