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The world chapter 338 does both things simultaneously
Occurrence at politics hall assassinate a case to finally make Li Qing An under settled an end of decision, he has already realized, the antinomy in the river gradually becomes a fast knot, though he doesn't want to by force come to solve a Shiite Muslem suddenly and violently*, in addition, he has already canned hardly find out to quell river in turbulent of rapid way, if again the gravamen interest turmoil within river, once the Shiite is organized, breaks out to large-scalely start revolution, river lieutenant general will at Tang and greatly the of food change hands.
For the sake of the biggest degree ground not make by force, Li Qing An decides in person leave for river in, solve the crisis of region in river, is assassinating the second day of case, he then disease soon rush through into river, 1,000 ride the soldier is in broad plain and of mountainous country scorch, this is marching of high speed degree, each one rides a soldier provide with three good big Yuans war horse, night and day and westward speed, after four days, rode soldier's brigade arrive the rather far national capital city thirst fills city, over there change fight a horse continue scorch, after eight days, rode soldier's brigade arrive accompany war lift, over there passed through pearl river, finally on the noon in the 11th day, 1,000 ride a soldier escort Li Qing An arrive Samarkand, this time march is the test of physical strength and will, 1,000 ride soldier's along the road changed 10,000 war horses, at accompany war lift slept a night of the integrity, use 11 then finish running need 20 geniuses can finish running of road.
Riding the soldiers has been utterly exhausted and get to the big camp out of city in Samarkand inside, they fall on the ground and then shout to greatly sleep, Li Qing An is also similarly utterly exhausted, but the rigorous situation in river makes him hard into the sleep, not only Samarkand imposes curfew, each big cities of rest all countries all appear Shiite the Muslem holds a meeting of evidence, Tang Jun has to practice to impose curfew completely.
Particularly Samarkand, the curfew in long time brought the residents in the city a serious life difficult, the commodity price soars rapidly, many family's foods rupture, penniless, for eating for rice, many people even intentionally breach a restriction order and is grasped, the food crisis makes the Yao follower of a religion also start disaffection, for mollifying a crisis, white the filial piety is virtuous to relax a curfew, free time from a hour, loosenned two hours, be so, the shortage of the food in the city, still continuously cause Sao in disorder, Tang Jun have to the Zhen gruel in street, Li Qing An woulds be at the situation bottom like this arrived to Samarkand.
Have no time to take a rest, Li Qing An immediately summoned a white filial piety virtuous is as clear as Luo Qi, inquire the circumstance in the city, the white filial piety is virtuous to have been a bit burned, Li Qing An's arrival makes him long long breath a sigh of relief, this means that the situation in river will appear a turning point, much important decision isn't him white the filial piety is virtuous to clap plank to work out, have to Li Qing An come to decide.
"Report to report a great commander soldier, the curfew of Samarkand has already canned not keep on continuing again, the price of food is ex- to rise decuple than the curfew, the big door family probably can also force to prop up, but common civilian's somebody elses all become poor because of food price and jail at the time of criminal already more than 5,000 people, the residents' disaffection to Tang Jun in Samarkand more and more serious, yesterday afternoon, more than 100 Yao follower of a religions pound at officer Ya, Luo makes the gentleman also get hurt."
Li Qing An turns head to hope to go clearly to Luo Qi, he wore a hat while seeing Luo Qi come in clearly, then felt some oddness, he probably guessed reason now.
"Luo makes a gentleman, how is your condition of the injury?"
Luo Qi was clearly also quick Ma Jia Bian to rush through once three days ago Samarkand, yesterday afternoon, officer the gruel Peng of the Ya doorway conflicted and made him also unfortunately suffer from slight wound, he took off a hat and appeared a cake of wound Ba on the forehead, and then the wry smile was one- track:"Be flowed a stone by a cake of to hit medium ex- sum, flowed point blood, the condition of the injury wasn't very heavy."
Li Qing An orders a dialogue filial piety virtuous way:"I have already issued order from accompanied wared and lift to urgent carry 200,000 stone foods to come to river and estimated to then will continuously carry after several days, you now first exert the stock issued a food, moreover, changed the curfew of Samarkand into curfew, it are normal to allow in the daytime residents living, the sky strictly forbids to go out after being black, other cities remain curfew, can not relax, immediately carry out now."
The white filial piety is virtuous to promise 1, turn round go to, Li Qing An this just asks Luo Qi clear way:"How is the circumstance of joint meeting?"
Luo Qi shakes a way clearly:"Joint meeting now already the form is together nominal, the conference will take place each time the vehemence quarrel, they are obviously divided into two parties,beats by dre studio hd, Kang, Anne and history three greatest country is a parties, the stone country and other small countries are another a parties, they defy each other and make any discussion all hard to become decision, I have already sent the day before yesterday person notifies all kings and requests to hold a meeting solution currently situation, on top of that, I need to make collective report a matter."
"You say!"
Luo Qi clearly soft-voiced way:"Kang king there is bodyguard in the temple secretly report a report to me, say that slightly the aroma and big food of king of Kang country have been already collaborated with, greatly eat emissary have already for three timesed come, moreover, Anne's country positive king and history country positive king currently all in Samarkand, I doubt the matter of that they rebel in the secretly plan."
King in the region in river and greatly food have been already collaborated with, this anticipates in Li Qing An's idea in, face the disorderly bureau in the river, greatly eat making is unconcerned the matter of people's oddness, they by all means will hold tight a this opportunity extension disorderly bureau, can affirm, the disorderly bureau in the river with big food have a close relation.
Li Qing An also knows farely wells, greatly the food sends army river in is already inevitable, the key is the opportune moment that they send army, the cloth admires to pull now although greatly disorderly, turmoil didn't°yet whole lineses in all countries break out in the river, they are temporarily been strong line of to suppress by Tang Jun's curfew, once appearing any circumstance, for example the food crisis of Samarkand, will immediately become the fuse of large-scale turmoil, say from this meaning, he arrives to river in time in, is a complete right decision.
"Great commander soldier, do we want to chase them immediately control to live?I mean Three Kingdoms king."
Li Qing An shook to shake head, "not the important step is hasty, since we have already known that they have scheme, not afraid they turn over a God to go and send more hand surveillance they, moreover can use heavy the gold buy they of person, every moment control their trends, particularly want to find out their partner, time is propitious then can round up all at one fell swoop."
"The vulgar job understood, vulgar job this arranges appropriate."
"Wait for a second!"
Li Qing An called to live him, he took out a very thick small volume and said with smile:"This is the Cui Gan to bless to me up of ten thousand speech books, concerning the project in solution river, his farsighted suggestion is press believe in different, is divided into two nations, this I am to approve very much, but his short-term project I relatively agree with."
"Does what great commander soldier says press the residents a distinction to open to live?"Luo Qi remembers on the parliament clearly, the Cui Gan blessed to once lift this project.
"Not!That project has already been vetoed by me, he changes a new project."
Li Qing An's way:"If he suggests is divide and turn it, head quarter separates the hard-liner and the moderate parties in the Shiite, want ~only find out these two send of mastermind, our scathing stroke hard-liner, strongly support moderate send, want ~only we and the moderate parties reaches a consensus and controls the acute behaviour of Yao follower of a religion again, I think that the antinomy should be able to get mitigation, the situation will also gradually quell, this is a very quite good suggestion, and I didn't guess wrong and greatly eat and Kang country the king be also definitely fighting for hard-liner's leader in the Muslem, so your task is the mastermind who finds out a moderate parties quickly, I want to talk personally with them in person."
Formally relieved a curfew along with Tang Jun, the originally cold and dreary Samarkand street immediately became noisy, the men gush family and spreads to run about wildly to a round flat cake store and the food by quickest speed, more than ten gruels in the city before the Peng all quickly line up full the long brigade, women and child take a pottery bottle, long the bottle crane one's neck to visit anxiously and forward, in the airtight water river bank, jamed more to closely come to take aqueous men and women, person's voice boiling, Yao follower of a religion and Islamite crowded together, fight to be the first ground in the river kick, many kids all jump into river, carefree cachinnation, enjoy sunlight and freedom, this a moment, believe in of the point of dispute have already seemed to be of no account, existence be first important affair.
Go toward on person's bearer of avenue, led long the businessman of camel to appear, a group of brigadeses soldier patroled down the street and kept order, they no longer at will interfere with the people behavior, 20 people above of party everywhere it is thus clear that, this means the formal cancel of curfew.
Li Qing sits idly in the wagon to hope the scene of street, the even crest of one row row white building in multiple layers folds the ground spreads to postpone in the city, the audibility sees anxiously shout a voice everywhere, often it is thus clear that a group of young men pursue each other and contend for rob to hide Yi in the bosom of dry a round flat cake, the city that is tormented by the anxious, hungry and religious conflict, make Li Qing have peace of mind medium very heavy of, Samarkand is region's biggest city in river, still and thus confusion, be imaginable, another city how again should of worry anxiously.
Li Qing An starts realizing that the his first compromise is a kind of mistake, exactly him for the sake of steady stay early situation, then reserved all influences, including the king of all countries in river, but was exactly the king of these with concealed intentionses to cause joint meeting form together nominal, the region in river finally appeared a kind of power blank of anarchy and made the leader of each religious section can quickly fill up this power blank, should say, this is the important reason of point of dispute creation, want to change this kind of situation, have to build a kind of new power structure, allow the customs government to obtain predominance right.
Li Qing An considers the project of various possibility, cancel joint meeting, instauration autonomies in all countries, the establishment rises close government Tang, big Tang Zhi controls troops and treat big Tang completely control after living river in again slowly carry out various reform, can not act precipitately, Li Qing An gradually finds out to understand the farsighted way of crisis in river definitely, again match with short-term means, situation should ability steady settle down.
At this time wagon after the Kang king's temple, Li Qing An hopes this huge palace, he not from cold hum a , he sooner or later will tidy up the king whom this helps with concealed intentions.
Pass by the same time of the Kang king's temple at Li Qing An, in the secret room of palace, Kang country positive king slightly aroma, Anne's country's positive Wang Ye solve, history country positive king that song so, and arrived to yesterday of cloth.Muslem's special envoy match righteousness man, 4 people was convening an urgent meeting, discussed next move of activity project.
"Everyone, I want to tell you a news that fig ups public first, cloth.Muslem's governor of province already at Mu river the west coast gather 40,000 battalions, can cross at any time the Mu river take the offensive river in, you for cloth.the time of the governor of province effect of Muslem have already arrived."
The match righteousness man is a 40 years old or so thin Gao man, he once was a big food to halt cloth admire pull of tax officer, pretty much understood to the circumstance of region in river, he consequently drive cloth.the Muslem picked out and became a liaisonning officer of region in river and saw three kings all a don't utter, he then to slightly aroma sneer way:"The Kang country king's his highness, you don't fig up for this news feeling?"
Slightly the aroma secretly sighed tone and kicked out Tang Jun how again, the big anthropophagi are similar will rule river in, Su especially various country however is their pasta of two greatest empires just, let him crumple and knead, went to a tiger and come to wolf, don't distinguish, their these kings is or so to is all puppet.
He doesn't dare to show emotion, then strong make smiling face of way:"Do not I how can feel joy?The arrival of big food soldier, approach means that we turn over a body for a day, I will definitely support strongly."
"That are you two?"The vision of match righteousness man again hurl to Anne's country and history country positive king, history country positive king that song so and immediately meant his/her own support, though he doesn't like big anthropophagi as well, always compare be completely built on stilts by Tang Jun to be good friends with 1:00, Anne's country positive Wang Ye's solution wear a worried look, he is in the cloth admire pull occurrence severity suddenly and violently*of break out of city, come to Kang country to seek refuge, he got news yesterday, his palace has already been burned down, wealth and properties in database and various worth money things all drive on robbing but getting empty, in addition to going together with wife and son to follow his break out of at first, none of a few rest wives knows a Zong, now he is very poor, regret an abnormality in the wild solution heart, can say cloth admire pull of Shiite suddenly and violently*have something to do with his support's inciting to some extent, but come from his idea to anticipate as a result, after authorities certainly loses control, he unexpectedly becomes the biggest victim.
The match righteousness man wants him to declare again now, he shook to shake head and sighed a way:"I now have nothing at all, do I declare to have what meaning?"
"The words can not say like this."
The match righteousness man smiles to comfort his way:"You are after all a country king of Anne, although the property had no, your prestige still just, as long as you appealed an Anne citizen's many support big food and called for them to start revolution to kick out Tang Jun, you signed a head achievement, the governor of province will definitely re- sign you for the country by that time king, give you the benefits that should have."
The match righteousness man calculates very smartly, if greatly eat soldier aggression river in, the first station is Anne's country, while Anne's country still have 30,000 Tang the soldier station and directly threaten a big food soldier to pass through Mu river, if Anne the people ability everyone resist Tang Jun, so they meeting for big food soldier consume Tang Jun's parts of real strenght, become big food the soldier cross river of emollient assurance, say from this angle, country a king is still an of great use place of Anne.
Wild solution without can choose, he has to declare a way:"Is all right!I support shouting Luo the decision of Shan governor of province."
The match righteousness man sees public all form Tai, then and gladly way:"That good, come to a decision like this, I just got news, Tang Jun has already relieved a curfew, so from now on, you cent head the leader that contact each Shiite, organize they, ten day after, raise large-scale start revolution, anyway, we must succeed and assess merits and give rewards by that time this time."
In the afternoon, there is a news spreading, from accompanied wared to take away to the first boats and ships that carried to have 50,000 stones food stone have already got into Kang national territorial, at the latest after three days, the food ship then will arrive Samarkand, after getting this accurate news, Tang Jun immediately throws in 30,000 on the market toward Samarkand stone stock provisions for army, used for even suppress a food of price, the food on the market obviously increases and spreads with benefit good news and makes the food price that Gao Qi in Samarkand doesn't descend suddenly tumble, the joy acts for worry anxiously and quickly gets about whole citieses, and people's dissatisfied emotion starts being alleviated.
Cent in evening, Luo Qi got five Muslem's the olds to arrive at Li Qing An's big debt clearly.
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