
beats by dre solo keThe young girl

Chapter 578 is why a report
Together the state wishes county, a capacity load wear company's brigade of various goods slowly entered county city, here have already done not far leave yellow river, although is already a deep autumn in October, the yellow river hasn't ascended a jelly, in the county city, company's brigade like this still has a lot, the great majority all think to do business with the emigrant of Hebei way, a great deal of of way in Hebei people's south moves to bring the businessmen infinite business opportunities, they want to adopt to do a food and adopt to do a daily household-use product, in fact, a lot of businessmen of prophets have already come, and rush through now of all of businessmen were already slightly and slightly and late one step, in addition, many businessmen intend to cross river to go up north and continue way in Hebei look for business opportunities.
Is small to smallly wish the businessman inside the county swarm about, everywhere it is thus clear that a group of brigadeses load down company's brigade of goods, the Inn lives Be getting fuller, the businessmen then look for a common people's houses rent, some sharp local businessmen in advance and then leased a great deal of wayside private house, then the price markup rents to company's brigade that the other parts of country rushes through and greatly earns 1.
The company's brigade that just went into the city isn't worried, they are in the city the one who have to render assistance, all board and lodging have already arranged appropriate, they can calmly go into the city, company's brigade of large-scale, constitute to°from more than 100 wagons around, load down very heavy goods, all use oil paper on the goods and thick hemp overlay, who don't know as well top pack what, about 100 ride escort horse in the vehicle both sides with the waiter of car, they each shape is tall and big in stature and act quick in action, the vision watches out for a ground of circumstance that is awake on all sides.
Naturally, this company's brigade is Anne the Lu mountain was sent to way each state of the east in Henan to adopt the troops of doing the sulphur, but this is just three troopses in of a , way in Henan to the east is also today's peninsula in Shandong, here have a few small scaled sulphur minerals to hide, although yield not big, be good enough to provide Anne Lu mountain manufacturing explosive.
The this company brigade adopts to do more than 4,000 sulphurs in the Yi state, is once rushing through the on the way of You state, they need to pass through yellow river to go up north and wish the county would be their remitting of three troopseseses to match in turn of ground, company's brigade just went into the city a door and then and immediately had more than ten personnels render assistance faced to come up, a man saluted a way:"Moreover a troops has been already returned as well, ferry just in the arrangement, however these two days, the yellow river wind waves are too strong, and is hard to cross river, we will arrange with all strength, as long as crossing river a condition to allow, we right away cross river to go up north, everyone pleases go first a rest with us."
Businessman's leader of a group hears temporarily can not cross river, in his heart some misgivings, but also helpless, have to an arch hand way:"That pain each, please lead the way!"
More than ten personnels render assistance take company's brigade, to a big house of several hundred outsides but go to........
After company's brigade goes into the city soon, four hucksters that ride a horse also appear in the city gate, they follow behind anterior of troops, not and urgently not slow, this several individuals is inside the members of Wei intelligence report hall way in Henan cent hall, the way cent hall in Henan order that received inside the Wei intelligence report total hall, life they purchase a sulfuric personnel in the each state of way surveillance in Henan, this a few intelligence people then had eyes fixed on this company's brigade in the Yi state and followed behind them to arrive at to wish all the way county.
At this time, they see the personnel whom the other party seem to render assistance, and have already done not far leave yellow river here, the other party may cross river at any time, a few intelligence people companies measure a short moment, then cent way but go, 2 people continue to keep watch on company's brigade, another 2 people then urgent to just the cent hall lord in the neighborhood report a report circumstance.
Together the state belongs to Li Guang Bi's sphere of influence, Li Guang Bi leads 50,000 battalions to send army to way in Henan, in the continuous shot Kui quarter wide Chen and Xu Shu Yi two troops after, his troops' number quickly rose to 120,000 people, Li Qing An immediately increases a soldier toward him again 80,000, make his troops come to a 200,000 of many.
Immediately the general brigade of Li Guang Bi will is divided into three war areas, Li Cheng leads a soldier 50,000 soldiers garrison together a state front line, the great commander Li non- dollar gift rate soldier 70,000 garrison Xu Zhou's front line, he lead 80,000 people to station front-line at Zheng Zhou, so three troops with each other for the Ji Cape, take concerted action,
Li Cheng's troops garrison in the Yun, benefit, together, green, Zi etc. is five states, tightly grip yellow river, while the handsome debt then is located in together the state Li city county.
This world noon, two knights speed but go to from the distance and leave a camp door not to arrive 100, the soldier of Shao tower immediately and loudly drinks a way:"Stop!"
Two knights stopped to dismount, they raised hand Gao Han Dao:"We have urgent matter to plea for interview general Lee!"
Come to an on shift duty military officer from the camp, face to come forward a way:"I am Wei in on shift duty school in the camp door, are you whos, have a matter to seek our general Lee?"
An among those man about 30 years old takes out a silver medal and passes a way:"We are way intelligence report hall in Henans, at under is divide an open lord cow Jin, there is urgent item asking for help general Lee!"
Way in Henan cent open lord at least is medium Lang will, and they is inside Wei, the position is higher, be on duty Wei in the school not to dare to neglect, hurriedly way:"Please wait for a while, my instant reports a report!"
He dashes away to return to report a report, a short moment, he comes out a way:"Cow hall lord, my house's general has been already pleased!"
The cow Jin turns over a body to dismount and follow Wei in the school to big camp inside walk.
The commander-in-chief in the big camp is exactly Li Cheng, according to Li Guang Bi's deployment, he is responsible for defendoofing green state, together state front line, in fact Li Cheng also has his/her own viewpoint,beats by dre solo, he thinks north Tang Jun should not passively defendoof in the south of the yellow river, should at condition mature get into Hebei, Anne the Lu mountain trap dead in the You state, so just can at deal with Anne Lu mountain of in the battle occupy on one's own initiative, however Li Cheng didn't toward Li Qing An's book, he knows Li Qing An can't unexpectatively, Li Qing An should have another deep consideration, oneself just joins the army matter up carry on consideration, but Li Qing An is more will join the government to cure consideration, this isn't oneself to interfere with.
As a soldier, his beard determinedly obeys the order of commander-in-chief, but is personal, he also hopes that big Tang has a monarch that the war-horse is from, the monarch like this would keep in mind kindness to the soldier heart, would comprehend the soldier's honor more, would in no case concede in the outside Ru in front and determinedly return shot, this is the emperor king who grows up in the deep temple to compare.
These two days, Li Cheng also received Li Guang Bi's order, life his troops wanted to match with with all strength a hall inside the Wei intelligence report, any of urgently ask for help, he has to provide to help with all strength.
Only Lee the order of Bi was the day before yesterday to just send out, had already then had to come to ask for help in person inside the hall of the Wei intelligence report hall lord today.
A short moment was on duty Wei in the school to take cow Jin to in a hurry walk into a big debt, the cow Jin Gong body saluted a way:"Way in Henan the intelligence report cent is open lord the cow Jin pay respects to general Lee."
Li Cheng knows way intelligence report in Henan the cent hall is to establish at Chen Liu Xuan, but cow Jin in person from Chen Liu run state together, explain that he wants the matter no trivial matter of he's help, he then and hurriedly way:"The cow hall lord need not be over-courteous, if situation urgently please keep saying!"
"Thank general Lee of generous!"
Cow Jin short cut:"Affair is so, we receive the order of Chang-an total hall and investigate Anne with all strength the Lu mountain is in way in Henan purchase sulphur one matter, through in a couple of days investigate, we check the Lu mountain of Anne sends of three company the brigade totally bought the around ten thousand catty of sulphur at green state, Yan state and Yi state 3 grounds, among them two companies of the Yan state and Yi state brigade already at wish the county remit and match and prepare to cross river and go up north, their render assistance a person a lot of, above 500 people are Anne the troops of the Lu mountain disguise and ask general Lee and send army and help us and intercept these two groups of persons and goods."
Li Cheng's eyebrows 1:"But these two days wind waves of yellow river very strong, cross river not easy!"
"BE exactly, so they at wish the county wait for and haven't crossed river, these are our opportunities."
"What about company's brigade of that green state?Don't need me to help?"Li Cheng asks a way again.
"Report back general Lee, company's brigade of green state has already been dug a ship by our person when the Du helps water, all of more than 3,000 sulphurs sink into bottom of river."
"That do they send person again to buy sulphur for the second time?How do you reply?"Li Cheng considers very thoughtful, helping him will help throughout, his meaning wants to thoroughly destroy a sulphur mineral and breaks the source of the Lu mountain of Anne.
"This.....We prepare to make a false sulphur, if the Lu mountain the second-time parties person of Anne comes to buy, we make the leave selling to he sulphur, let him use leave the sulphur do for a sky, the thunder goes, Be just these sulphurs we prepare to cannot compare with and also ask general to devote major efforts to support!"
Li Cheng roars with laughter, "good!I this sends army to help you."
Li Cheng at that moment ordered together 5,000 to ride a soldier, he in person leader of a group, the Hao Hao d à ngd à ng to wish the county kill.
Wish at this time the county combine to not only only is two company's brigades, but also have Anne the Lu mountain after explosion in the explosive industrial plant annex since then of 500 patrol soldiers, these sulphurs that outside buy are all of his hope places now, moreover a staffs that he still sent to come from come to full power to direct this activity. staff call Luo pure positive, year about 40 remaining year old, went and lived with a scholars of the Lu mountain of Annes last year, the this person consideration problem is very thoughtful, made up 500 patrols although the short item been brave but done not strive for.
At this time, more than 7,000 sulphurs and all personnels have already left to wish county, they just received the news of green state, another company's brigade has been already had an accident, all of more than 3,000 sulphurs turn over to sink bottom of river, though in the news call just an accident, Luo is just pure still the sensitive ground realize, this can't be what accident, help water not and very breadth, and the surface is calm, which have a ship go midway to turn over to sink of, this is by all means begun, he also realizes at the same time, should be them of movements drive north Tang Jun discover.
In the night s è, several hundred rides a soldier to escort more than 100 wagons along the yellow river officer of the side's way the disease go, they want to all through the night lead river, but a few ship owners because wind waves of nighttime river too strong, die and live Be not willing to cross river, give how much all don't promise, also want tomorrow morning most quickly, but another ship owner show interest, promise Du they lead river, only his ship isn't here, but at 50 in a wharf of outside, totally have three argosies, quote 3,000 Guan Du goods of their person over the river, then need whole sumses to pay before going aboard, though this is a hundredfold exorbitant price,Luo is just pure still the one mouthful promised, as long as carrying sulphur You state once and spend how much he would like to, once waited river again turn head to get even with this ship owner.
After a hour, the car brigade arrived together north ferry station, is the ferry station of one inside etc. scale here, the position isn't much very strange, cross river at ordinary times, the persons stop more than ten argosies, night black breeze Gao, the big wave of b ō of black deeply river surface dashing, a burst of water wave taps near the bank, 'Hua Hua!'Make to ring, the argosy up and down rises and falls in the river, there is no a person on the argosy, have already canned not cross river for two days, on the wharf only two young men that watch a boats and ships.
Luo pure positive eyebrows a wrinkly, dissatisfiedly to ship owner's way:"You repeatedly promise to cross river to me, now boats and ships I saw, but seaman?Where is your seaman ?"
Ship owner hurriedly way:"Slightly etc., I this seeks."
He runs up ex- ask two seamans of way:"Where did the others go to?"
Two seamans to hope 1:"The others all respectively went home and anyway could not led river, either, everyone was also free here."
Ship owner again come back is noding to admire a waist to say with smile to pure Luo:"This master, the crewmens all went home, however they all live in the neighborhood, I call them right away, at most half of two-hour period, the master waits!"
"Hum!"Luo is pure to just and heavily hum 1, scolded a way:"Soon go to soon return!"
"I come back right away!"Ship owner Sa tu ǐ then to darkly in run to, a short moment is missing a trace and shadow.
Waited about the quarter, public all could not bore, horizontal seven Shus eight sit a ground of, Luo was pure to be also sitting on a piece of big stone, often lifted up head to hope to go to the south, full of worry anxiously in the vision, and then led a quarter, already till time of engagement, but ship owner's shadows all can't see.
At this time, Wei in the school of one side finally cannot helped but and walked to come forward to come to soft-voiced way:"Sir, I am worried that my noodles has Zha!"
"Do you how can anyone know have Zha?"
"I also grow up by the side of the yellow river.See according to the water wave in nowadays, the Du yellow river is very dangerous at the mid-night, the undercurrent j ī d à ng in river, the nighttime sight is hard to discover, ten it wanting and turning over ship, otherwise the other people's ship how Be not willing to onward voyage?To know that the price code that the Sir opens is a hundredfold that crosses river at ordinary times these people are still not dry, I doubt that this person has a problem and lead us to so out-of-the-way place."
Luo is pure to be contemplating a short moment, way:"Probably just as you say of, the night crosses river too dangerous, so the crewmens aren't willing to come, in fact I also know, can don't necessarily cross river, but at least keep off to wish tonight the county be not found out by them and wait until in this strange wharf bright tomorrow sky, also the it could be is a kind of way."
He the words sound just fell, sudden listenned to a bow string ring, a sarcastic remarks'Sou!'The ground shoots into, Wei in the school didn't guard against, he avoided being seen to cannot compare with, an arrows exact center his throat, he is stuffy to make one turn over a body fall on the ground, this arrows' making the owner all surprised is getting more foolish, Luo pure just the first reaction comes over, he a bone Lu roll in the ground, hide after big stone and frighten all over dither.
Darkly medium the arrows,such as rain, go to, miscellaneous rush indiscriminately the voice spreads from the all directions, the Yan soldier on the wharf the patrol is greatly a burst of in disorder, everyone's east hides Tibet, looking for can avoid arrows arrowy place, their bow and arrow weapons all in the bag of horse, temporarily take not to come out, can not form return shot, very passive.
The horse riding and delivering cargo wins arrows in succession, the Si calls to pour on the ground, more than ten wagon Qings turned over, a bag of bag sulphur scattered on the ground, arrows rain is more and more airtight at this time, since the east, west and three southern directions shot, let people have no the place hide and bellow a voice continuously, the person of one slice is shot to pour.
5,000 northern Tang Jun completely surrounded wharf, they at 60 outside put arrows, round into a semicircle, all over the place of the arrows Shi shot into wharf, when each soldier's arrows pots cast light, intensive of arrows rain finally stopped down, on the wharf without voice interest, again have no some evidence of life.
One paid torch to start to be bright getting up and soon formed the ocean of one torch, several thousand torches slowly took side to the wharf and shone on the wharf like daytime, sees Yan of wharf like arrows field, ten several ten thousand arrows Qings the Xie is on this a few big vacant lands, horizontal on the ground seven Shu 8 grounds lie full corpse, blood become river, many people even if lie prone on the ground, also difficult escape a to die, several hundred people all are shot dead, neither live, even if strive for private Luo pure just also ten several arrowses in body, the Quan departs from this life after shrinking at the big stone.
The food for powder quickly cleans up battlefield and pulls out arrows Shi to walk, the corpse throws into yellow river, at this time, the light of fire moves out of the way a road, great commander Li Cheng rides a horse slowly and since then and behind follow an open lord cow of intelligence report Jin.
Don't already admire in his heart, the other party is all 56100 people, crack patrol of the Lu mountain of Anne, unexpectedly and all shot dead by the arrows, connect the noodles of the other party all need not to see.
Before Li Cheng urges right away, hoped to fill up more than 100 sulphurs of wagons, say with smile to the cow Jin:"These things want don't did I help you to handle together?"
Cow Jin hurriedly Xie Dao:"Thank general helping hand, these sulphur I a burn fire then."
"That good, withdraw!"
The Li Cheng Yi makes next, several thousand non-commissioned officer a short moments then withdraw cleanly and only left on the wharf more than 40 persons of intelligence report hall, the food for powder is in doing not take back to fight a horse in the forest of distance, turning over a body in succession horse, to Li city direction but go, go a number inside, Li Cheng cannot helps but turning head to hesitate, seeing wharf a top is already a light of fire blunt sky, start to emit billowing white smoke.
He fiercely on taking out to fight a horse, war horse,such as arrows, generally to darkly in the disease rush but go.
After two days, the airtight report of way in Henan intelligence report hall spread to Chang-an, Li Qing where and and temporarily engraved to get intelligence report, though cut a war in the explosive Zu in, Li Qing An obtained the victory of the decision x ì ng and heavily fought the dream of thunder explosive in the sky of the Lu mountain of Anne, but Li Qing An isn't happy, piece more of the dead equally also gave him a heavy stroke.
Li Qing An in seven days just get the You state city news for hasing an accident of the admirable skill hall, at this time his 500 crack patrols already too withdraw at first, on the way is returning Chang-an, but the admirable skill hall be ruined by the Dao, the piece more commits suicide with Zhao Jia Ju, besides which, , 43 waiters are grasped, this hasing 27 people among them is the members of intelligence report halls, at the same time, include and admirable skill hall 15 soldiers with a direct relation in man Tang will the member is also grasped and catch, includes the first and discovers Anne the Wei Chen Zhi Ming of school whom the Lu mountain uses explosive.
Li Qing An's wagon at Chang-an Lin Lin inside the city and go, several hundred close soldiers keep Ji escort in the both sides, in the wagon beside, inside Wei left general beard Pei cloud's acrossing a car window is making collective report Hebei's latest intelligence report to Li Qing An, "Hebei just spread news, the Anne Lu mountain has already issued order strict(forbid) You state and a few nearby state counties of folks keep pigeon son, as long as as soon as discovering, the whole family cuts, the strict(forbid) other state county people get into You state at the same time, the person who go out from the You state also wants to strictly frisk, now we already very rare arrive the news of You state."
Li Qing An slowly way:"The pigeon son can not keep, can use eagle, as far as possible a little bit more concealment, the in short intelligence report can not rupture, can appoint wing state and pay an open lord together rain flower is a cent of way intelligence report in Hebei open lord, life she reconstruction intelligence report hall in Hebei, absorb this time the precept of admirable skill hall, can not have again the least bit mishap, moreover, strengthen rightness Chang-an of surveillance, I doubt Anne the Lu mountain will make reprisals Chang-an, he is Chang-an and definitely also having intelligence report organization, had better make use of them and make reprisals Chang-an of opportunity, Lu mountain Anne(put) of Anne at Chang-an of ear eyes with one action the Dao ruin and go to!"
"Belong to next follow instructions!"
Beard Pei cloud goes one gift and then and in a hurry left.
The wagon continues ex- go, a long time, Li Qing An is long long the ground sighed an one breath, piece more the household is four loyals, finally in the article of death ex- win clear ambition by the cloth in quarter and Hou, the subordinate of such loyalty Geng, is he why a report?
In the wagon in addition to Li Qing An, also sit his time imperial concubine dance dress, dance dress not to know husband why takes he or she to go together, in her heart Yi hu ò, it is thus clear that husband face s the è is dignified, she doesn't dare to ask more as well.
Is very quick, the wagon got into the Chong Ren shop and stopped down in front of a not big house, another concealed Long Hui member was also a courtly gift department at the same time card shark Wang Xi An come forward to call a door.
This house is more a house property that a piece is Chang-an buying, the piece is more one of concealed Long Hui's core members, three lists spread, piece more of the only son unfortunately died of illness by decade, the knee bottom then has no son to have no female, two year ago one of his a keep woman born a daughter for him, soon this a keep woman also contracted disease to pass away, the piece more and then sends to own daughter Chang-an and hand over to own r ǔ Niang Qiu Shi on behalf bring up.
R ǔ Niang Qiu Shi Yi then take the life of daughter with more 2-year-old piece in this house.
The door opened, a man about 30 years old walked out, he woulds be a piece more r ǔ the son of the Niang, named Qiu Yuan Er, is a skin(hair) businessman, the contacts is at Anne west and Chang-an of.
Once he open the door, consider as an outsider noodles to unexpectedly there are so many troops, frightenned his one way of greatly jump, nervously asking:"You....Seek who?"
Wang Xi An and piece more relates to best, he knows r ǔ Niang one family, then say with smile:"Qiu Yuan Er, you are incognizant I?"
Qiu Yuan Er Leng for a while, "you BE.....!You are card shark king."
"O.K., you still remember me."
Li Qing An dismounted, Wang Xi An then and hurriedly gave him the introduction way:"His highness, this is more the piece r ǔ son, Qiu Yuan Er, of the Niang."
"His highness?"
Qiu Yuan Er once sees a few Li Qing An in Anne's west, he suddenly recognized out and frightenned he hurriedly kneels down a way:"Grass people, Qiu Yuan Er, pays visit to Zhao Wang's his highness."
"You get up!I come to have a look a piece more of daughter."
"!"The ground is a , Qiu Yuan Er hurriedly turns head to shout a way:"Niang son, you come out quickly."
Sees whet Ceng ground to come out a young person of f ù in yard, a see and then know is Anne west beard Niang, she the Quan bone is very high, the mouth ch ú n is the thinnest, there is no some blood s è, whole body very dry thin, statures' pouring is very high, the shape is like a compasses of future generations.
Embrace a young boy in her bosom, lead long a 45-year-old small Niang all alone, at her also follow another little girl after death, about about 2 years old, grow lovely amiability, she leads long the person of f ù skirt, a pair of big eyes are shy with stranger to living ground to hope Li Qing An.
Li Qing An's nose a sour, this ox-eyed young girl was like a pole piece more, he then knows, this is the piece to more stay the only bone(meat) is at the in this world.
He squats down down, the hands stretch to young girl, say with smile:"You are Zhang Ling Er!I am your uncle, your daddy makes me come to connect you."
The young girl hides after the Human body of f ù, don't dare to come out, Qiu Yuan Er comes forward to lightly hold tight her wrist, half coaxs half to drag along to tell her, her uncle came to see her and pulled her to Li Qing to find shelter a side, Li Qing An took out a string of sparkling pearl and hanged on her neck to say with smile:"Is this what uncle gives you, like?"
The young girl was drawn on by the beautiful pearl, she soft n è the n small hand hold a pearl and a little bit feel ashamed a location to nod, at this time, Qiu Yuan Er's another daughter stretches hand and then wants to come over to rob, but is beaten by Qiu Yuan Er's slap to return to, the small Niang immediately weeps aloud, the Niang son of Qiu Yuan Er was malicious to stare a husband of one eye, enragedly pull a daughter to return to.
Frightened pole in the heart of Qiu Yuan Er, he hurriedly cringes an explanation, "this, his highness, I the Niang son is non-Han nationalities, don't understand rite."
Li Qing An Pie that person of f ù figure is one eye, cold way:"I can't pursue you, but the kid took, as the repair that you bring up her for a year, this house returns you."
At this time, danced dress to walk to come up, she squats down down and take out a side to inset full the small copper mirror of precious stone, to the kid shine on for a while, pass to say with smile for her:"Like?"
The young girl Mian Tian ground smiled for a while and lightly ordered to nod and stretched out two small hands to hold tight a mirror and cautiously conjectured oneself in the mirror, unexpectedly the ground of Luo Luo smiled, pole danced dress to like her, she embraced young girl, at she small face up kissed for a while.
At this time dance dress have already completely understood Li Qing An's meaning, she sees Li Qing An hope with a kind of vision that asks for her meaning, then and formally location nod.
Li Qing An no longer realizes Qiu Yuan Er and walk toward the wagon in quick time to, dance dress to embrace young girl heel at after death, the husband ascended wagon, she often loves to pitily fondle the small face that the m ō wears a kid, there is the emotion of a kind of difficult speech in the heart, Li Qing pacifies m ō for a while the kid's hair, way:"Take her well, in the future she will be I big Tang the princess of the empire."
Dance dress a little bit silent nod, she the feeling j ī ground hope a husband, eyes are a bit very red, the young girl has already been completely drawn on by the elegant small copper mirror at this time and turn over to reply the ground see, unexpectedly didn't reluctant to part with Qiu Jia's meaning at 1:00.
Qiu Yuan Er foolishly hopes wagon to far go, the five flavours blend in his heart, don't know to is pleased or sad.
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