
Beats by Dr Dre studio l can peep to record

Chapter 254 Xuan Wu Jing Xie
Actually is what happened?"The Ji vast sky eyebrows deeply locks.
"Receiving Tuo to cross mountains is strong and Chen Jia's message, say to is fierce to hate Yao courageously East China Sea is quiet the hole mansion fixing is understood, return a dollar to believe in several superiors at present, also have East China Sea some people have already started leaving, prepare at east the Kuai round to kill fierce hate a sky."Mo don't the crease of dress full face is like a heap at be worry a way together.
In the heart suddenly one Lin, the Ji vast sky facial expression greatly changes, surprised shout a way:"Meeting how so?"
Was fierce to hate to once say before sky face walk, he this time bitterness fix for breaking nine of territory"is also say that he is in the hole mansion of East China Sea is shut a dead pass!At shut a dead pass period, absolutely can not be subjected to any disturb, make track for nine of the on the way of territory, permit not to get any disturbance of outside dint.In this period, elsewhere in the weakest time, even if is the common run of people that a hand has no very small strength, as long as the hole mansion that finds out his self-discipline, can kill with the sharp weapon he!Shut a dead pass, Yao success, the Yao absolute being soul puts out all and has no by luck!At is most need to be quiet of time, unexpectedly someone wants to beat his attention, this is perhaps fierce to hate whole life in a sky in is most a table"insurance of time.
"I don't know as well what is the row and cross mountains according to the Tuo strong and Chen Jia's news to see, fierce hate the sky makes track for in East China Sea nine of the hole mansion of territory, mostly directions should be expose to go out."Mo Yun Yi considers language of expression and hesitated to say for a while:"He this kills Nie from cradle to the grave deeply heavy, in Western Regions, north pretty, south Yi, East China Sea, in the soil all has enemy everywhere, the many people all want his life, before because have regard for him terrible real strenght and ruthlessness means, some people don't dare to seek him to make reprisals, now elsewhere at weak don't defend of stage, the many people will take advantage of an opportunity to want his life!"
"When receive news?"A chain of viewpoints led in the brain a time of, the Ji vast sky deeply takes a suck at spirit, the disorder had no the mood of preface to slowly be calm down.
"Three hour front."Xiao Xing answers that then take out one oil paper of folding from the bosom, pass to him.
Quickly browsing is a time of, the Ji vast sky secretly lets go of heart and nods a way:"Returned momentary of good news to get to the valley of Xuan Yuan, we still had abundant time to rush through to East China Sea, his news in East China Sea, Xi probably only some big households for having ulterior motives know, probably would spread to go out for several days recently.
Hesitated for a while, the Ji vast sky lifted Yao to face Xiao to break the mountain, ghost Rong and ghost sea a group of people, sincere way:"Have no him, have no today of I, so my affirmation can't stand by with folded arms this time!Still have, I probably need the aid of the prestige of the valley of Xuan Yuan and hope that you understand."
"The Xiao family are in the valley of Xuan Yuan, only your Ma Shou is to look forward!"The Xiao interest right away declares.
What about ghost Rong the mouth roar with laughter, Yang track:"Do not mother-in-law mother, want to do what though do!My ghost believes in dark mountain range to come out to go to from the ash and you, the nature can't have what viewpoint, old fierce although before be fierce to a He He, but is a true genuine feeling righteousness, is also my person of the valley of Xuan Yuan, we have no reason not to make moves to mutually save."
"Smelly boy!Is a little bit simply!You say how to do!"Han Feng drinks a way.
The Xiao breaks the superiors of the Xuan Yuan valleys, such as mountain and ghost sea...etc., an announces his/her own viewpoint in succession, make the Ji vast sky delighted BE, in spite of is a ghost to believe in still Xiao house, as well or is to be like Han Feng, this person, there are all no two words, firmly station at he.
In the heart unclearly some touched, the Ji vast sky suddenly realizes in the unconscious, each big household in the valley of Xuan Yuan because his existence has already merged into an integral whole, in the valley of Xuan Yuan, public seldom is to have no misunderstanding, the one party is difficult, several other squares in no case will stand by with folded arms.
"That good!"The facial expression is one earthquake, the Ji vast sky is to Mo Yun Yi's way:"The mother-in-law of Mo, put~to the trouble you with the of the valley of Xuan Yuan, to the whole world hair words, even if is fierce to hate a sky is our person of the valley of Xuan Yuan"in spite of is who!BE what influence!As long as the activity that dares to participate in to deal with him this time will be that my valley of Xuan Yuan is different to wear the irreconcilable enemy in sky!"
" Say as long as let we the valley of Xuan Yuan knew, in spite of he is dead is to live, future I the valley of Xuan Yuan will definitely revenge, in no case will do anyone the honor!"
This words are a , public is all eyes a bright, secretly nod in the heart.
Present valley of Xuan Yuan isn't a past any further the valley of Xuan Yuan that pass through spread not, are all fame in the outside at the whole world Xuan Yuan valleys, this emperor's right big household in not the slightest inferior to Wu Jia, Chu's house.
Whatever person, what household, knew the attitude of the valley of Xuan Yuan, all want the amount of Dian amount of Dian!In this way, it is some to originally want to deal with fierce hated the person and influence of Yao, may be hesitant because of and, even if is to really make moves, also probably secretively come, provoke this huge strength in the valley of Xuan Yuan.
As long as those public contains worry, some in acting a top speed willing slowly, can bring fierce hate the threat of Yao, nature will also small up many.
"Wonderful Zai!"The Xiao interest repeatedly nods, great way:"We the Xuan Yuan valley this place once the news come out and motionless use one soldier of one soldier, can cancel a lot of revenge minds in the public.Can set out for being fierce old to fight for till enough time, we canning also more calmly so."
"Mo Fan Fan , in a short while I write letter a , you parties the person send to Mt. Heaven go.Want ~only Mt. Heaven a similar to us enunciation attitude also, I think and presume to make moves to deal with his person and treat will more concern heavily!"The Ji vast sky sinks a track.
"Good!"Mo Yun Yi nods and sees overflow with toward two eyes of Ji vast sky delighted, heart way this kid was more and more mature and responsible, worked feeling to no longer persistently persist doing, knew to lend power.
"If Mt. Heaven and there also similar to our valley of Xuan Yuan enunciation attitude ……, Hey!I see still really have no how much person dare to old fierce start!"Han Feng Dao.
"There is also Chen Jia there, summon one by one in the past, hoped that they could match with our activities.
He had boon to Chen Jia in those early years, I missed Chen, and you should know how to do."Calm down, the Ji vast sky starts orderly processing this sudden affairs.
During the period of negotiating, the main absolute being soul of endless-area slowly drops down, quietly heavy time-essence.
"We the valley of Xuan Yuan and Mt. Heaven of earthquake Zhe dint, really can let many religious sects back down, however for return the influence like a dollar religion, probably can't buy Zhang.There is also north pretty, East China Sea, Western Regions and south Yi there of influence, the strength with many religious sects is extremely strong, afraid is can't darling Fan.
Thought in a short while, the Ji vast sky crumpled to crumple a temple, some difficult way:"In this scene, also have the ghost devil king's this threat not to know Ji.Where, we the valley of Xuan Yuan can not leave a superior again, a bit difficult do.
Mention a ghost devil king, originally still relaxed very much of public, on the face all was received last 1 F shadow, sank in succession come down.
"The ghost devil king is absolutely a big disaster, he will have been staring at the valley of Xuan Yuan not to put, therefore, the superior inside the valley can not leave!"Pondered for a while, Ji vast sky way:"I go first East China Sea, everyone temporarily stays first in the valley of Xuan Yuan and sees situation to say again.After I leave if the valley of Xuan Yuan is no hindrance, you can divide a some superiors to go to East China Sea to help me, if ghost devil king into make the valley of Xuan Yuan, you stay in the valley of Xuan Yuan to guard!"
"As I am going to East China Sea, the She attention finds out the ghost devil king's news, at present we the intelligence report net of the valley of Xuan Yuan overalied the whole world and had what circumstance, I will make use of feeling and Gen net of a house, Xiao house to notify you."
"Does your a person go to East China Sea?This how to go!"Mo Yun Yi shakes head right away.
The Xiao breaks ground, ghost Rong a group of people also all different idea, feel that making his one person give relief to in East China Sea is fierce to hate a sky, really is took a risk too much 1:00.
"I said that I go over and have a look first, you visit inside story condition in the valley to make decision again.
The Ji vast sky explains.
Is public to realize ghost devil king the existence will have much threat to the valley of Xuan Yuan and state in his iterative explanation under, slowly agreed his decision, prepared to stay in the valley of Xuan Yuan to see situation first, if the ghost devil king has no action, or receives his message, from the valley of Xuan Yuan here rush through sea eastwards.
The valley of Xuan Yuan leaves East China Sea here although being apart from is faraway, if is a gossip private in the sky break empty if the flight walk faster, pouring can not also expend how much time.
For a while, the decision's Ji vast sky has no the slightest hesitant, don't need to be prepared more as well what, originally prepared to seek a He house, star stone to believe in those believing in of religious sect lord lord in the house know to will be an and make them have peace of mind to stay so much in the valley of Xuan Yuan inside, then again from the valley inside leave.
Which expect He Hao however, 100 inside is those people, a hear fierce hate a sky is difficult, unexpectedly a s all express very worried facial expression and all incredibly want to arrive to East China Sea to help each other.
The Ji vast sky just realizes this time fierce hate the sky has how heavy energy in blood rain mountain this a cake of, in spite of is a He Hao however, 100 in, is still those person on blood rain mountains of Huang Jia, all once was subjected to in those early years fierce hate the favor of the sky.Is in spite of fierce to hate the sky is how bloodthirsty to terrible in the outsider eyes, but to them, that is the benefactor!The benefactor is difficult, don't help?
Say so much bad say, the Ji vast sky just pacifies good these people and says because the ghost devil king's threat exists, they should not leave the valley of Xuan Yuan.He Hao however, 100 inside is these religious sect households in blood rain mountain self-discipline several years, although finally agreed the parlance of Ji vast sky,imitate the valley of Xuan Yuan in succession, outward declared that dealing with is fierce to hate the person in sky to see as the enemy.
Blood rain alliance is also not small strength, blood rain alliance is believed in by the He house, star stone to etc. household religious sect to constitute, fame and influence in water cloud country are several not inferior to heavy household, they unanimously stand with the valley of Xuan Yuan together and immediately fostered the strength in the valley of Xuan Yuan and gave fierce hate the safety in sky and increased a guarantee.
Leave from the valley of Xuan Yuan, thousand You Lue shadow secrets display the Ao Luo's absolute being to teach to possess singly, in the night view, the Ji vast sky is like the wandering soul that the night visits wild ghost, once rowed a together light You shadow in the unreal, all the way from the valley of Xuan Yuan to east.
The territory that is seven comes to forging absolute being soul by the dint of the Great Dipper, in addition to making absolute being soul more tough and resilient, the most important purpose is to use the dint of stars to break empty flight.
From the Heng star return essence in sky after, Ji vast sky can pleasedly detection oneself's absolute being soul add more intelligent, display "thousand shadow of You Lues"s secret on, the absolute being soul ambiguously can feel the extensive star dint that comes from a top of head Northern Star area, those star dint seems to be with mixed moonlight together and sprinkles to infuse in his body unclearly.
A felling with fresh and cool, from the beginning the sky of crest works properly cave to escape into body, figure the rapid Lue move under the moonlight of Ji vast sky, the heart is quiet like water, feel that oneself imitated a Buddha to become clean moonlight, the deep place rises a kind of fresh and cool and comfortable felling from the heart.
The time of beginning, the Ji vast sky didn't care those from sky month China that outside sprinkle to infuse into body of dint, because is anxious fierce to hate the peace or chaos in sky, he is devoted to one's duties, attends to walk faster.
However, unconsciously, he discovers a fresh and cool and comfortable felling inside the body and seems to lead the body spirit dollar within sea dint!The dollar in his body the dint is self-moving inside the track of the self-discipline slowly flow to move in the body in normal times according to he, those dint imitates Buddha and the dint of month China to mix, become settle cool river water, at Jin vein skeleton in flow through, unexpectedly make he whole body relaxed, be like very hot day to hurtle into a fresh and cool water pond.
The Heng star in sky consumes of mentality, miraculous unfathomablely resume, that speed that instauration, compare him to usually use a black jade dollar crystal slowly not how much.
Not to?
The always fast- walking faster Ji vast sky is quickly surprised to wake up, the subconscious ground is known with absolute being to respond bodily condition, impressively discover one in fine threads naked eye difficult see of moonlight essence, really slowly work properly cave inflow his body from the sky, and and dollar in his body dint congestion at together.
Absorb sun and moon essence, this gossip affair that the private just can attain in the sky?Oneself of territory being seven, ha with uses the dint of stars just, why moonlight of essence, will automatically infuse into own body?
The Ji vast sky puzzles Jue.
Match at this time!He rests the blood of Tun and be pulled by a certain strength, the silk thread is similar to tremble for a while.
Mixed the blood of saint monster green dragon, had animate strength, once the blood move, in the his body muscle Jin vein skeleton, all spread huge of have no dint to undulate.
The blood in the body is rampant, seemed to feel the strength that comes from moonlight essence, incredibly produced sucking up of a fearfulness dint, such as the huge whale absorb water generally, those essences of moonlights that flow into his body, suck up a to get empty for an instant!Irascible blood, three go into the essence of these moonlights after, the calmness for being marvellous come down, but still keep slowly moving at the his Jin vein midstream.
Calm down, the Ji vast sky comfortable recess occurrence is in the marvellous variety on the body, don't go and think more, don't go to probe, from such as of let the blood that the body let inside the body to dominate together, body of control power to hand over to body.
Didn't know to is the indulgence that isn't him to contain function, release heart at him, what all don't think of time, he discovers in cave in the You door unclearly inside, there is a turn of weak guts.
Quickly in the unreal Guo body the form is stagnate!The moonlight is like water, on him, the Qing Xie's clean moonlight imitates a Buddha to coagulate into water fog on one's own initiative and unexpectedly remits to gather from the sky since then, a while his the whole bodies all give cover with.
The weak guts in cave in the You door, suddenly and lightly one Hao.
"In your body, have us four blood, work hard to feel, you will discover.
As long as you can will we four bloods that account into your body are all fusions, only ghost devil king, anything but your opponents!"
The words of saint monster green dragon slowly present in the brain.
The blood of four saint monsters!In the heart on moving, the Ji vast sky eye Tong is suddenly tiny to shrink,Beats by Dr Dre studio, at heart such as the status of clear mirror under, know all absolute being consciousness to fly to escape into body, rapid fly toward cave in the You door.
The liquid in a drop of bright white is in quiet foolish in cave in the You door, that liquid is radiant and extremely keen, compares the most beautiful precious stones to all have to be magnificent and moving!The mind sinks to immerse in the Ji vast sky in cave in the You door and just uses the liquid that the absolute being soul responds this bright white, the absolute being soul then has 1 kind if bathe the marvellous felling of spring breeze, imitate a Buddha by himself/herself and bathe in the middle of conceiving the whole water of life ……
And Pa inside a post-war consume tremendous spirit of ocean, just like be infused into a fast- increasing miracle drug wonder drug, the short of mentality presents several what increase.
A few short breath partitions, the mentality consuming has already completely resumed, the exhausted feeling moment of absolute being soul drive a sweep but empty!That marvellous liquid in bright white was tiny shining for a while, the light guts containing among them suddenly escaped into his body, the essence of month China that see those from the sky but go to, imitate a Buddha to have what strength of attraction, active take side toward this liquid in bright white.
An in fine threads only the absolute being soul can peep to record of the essence of moonlight, quickly remit to gather in this liquid from the Jin vein in his body, skeleton, bright white liquid, at under the function of essence of these moonlights, the beginning slowly wriggles.
The blood of Xuan force!The matter arrives at present, don't need anyone to remind, the Ji vast sky has been able to affirm this not the blood of blood, absolutely is from saint monster Xuan force!Only saint monster Xuan martial blood, just have this kind of breathing, have such as water ice of evil difference strength.
Saint monster the Xuan is martial, five lines of of water power, the essence of moonlight, this is month China believes in pupil self-discipline of have to step!The dint of Xuan force can turn water, the dint of water can lead the essence of moon, Xuan Wu Yi Di origin life Jing blood, indeed as expected the magic is unfathomable, incredibly make seven of the Ji vast sky of territory, can use the strength of the essence of moon!Further mentality suddenly and all intrudes into cave in the You door, the mentality leads to lead the this life Jing blood that comes from saint monster Xuan force, along acupuncture points outside slowly peristalsis.
Cave in the You door outside, at the right moment have blood vessel, the Xuan of bright white the martial blood , on overflowing from cave in the You door, imitated a Buddha to had own life consciousness general, drill to go into that blood vessel on one's own initiative.
The brain bombs however one earthquake!All absolute being in the thorough bodies know to in a short instant weigh to return brain.
Hanging up a ground of fire such as thunder in the sky is general, spread all over body the Jin vein is at the Ji vast sky blood vessel in of the blood is like the explosive that is sparked and bomb however break out to open.
Blood***!Saint monster Xuan martial blood, and Ji vast sky the original blood inside the body blend process, isn't a wonderful affair!The deep-rooted sting is lame and spread all over each in the whole body have the blood flows of corner!Just only the Jing blood of a drop of saint monster Xuan force, but turn the huge dint that contains among them, unexpectedly urged all bloods inside his body.
The Ji vast sky facial expression distorts and look up at sky under the night view Si roar, is like the most bloodthirsty wild beast.
Terrible pain and sufferings comes quickly, go to of sooner!Suddenly, all painful tidewater sorts fade to go and replace of, is the comfort of the whole body and relax.
Those blood all calmnesses of the strange Gui come down, continue to slowly flow, imitated a Buddha have nothing at all to just once take place generally.
China that covers with a month spreads to drop down and goes into ocean such as water, concealed didn't disappear in the his body.
The essence of moonlight, follow his Jin vein skeleton, slowly remit to gather into the blood in his body, Ji vast sky no longer roar to the Yao Si, clear feel that the blood inside the body just and slowly comes together to put forth effort quantity!
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