
http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com l of the escort is n

Chapter 320 captures
Hire in the text and under those more than 20 attacks of bow and arrow hands, those escort, besides which, but is all shot to kill for other miscellaneous services and maidservants clean!As for those escort, but is to use violence a machine to poke aside arrows Shi, only 23s are a little bit unlucky, won arrows, but the others are to have no wound, and still protected that young man to escape a flower Jiao there, round a circle tube.
To this, the text hire but is light on smiling, the slightest inattentive, he sets out the purpose of bow and arrow hand, oneself not for the sake of shoot-to-kill enemy, but for escorting these to arrive to a cake of!The purpose has already come to a now, before or after the officers and mens of both sides is to surround an enemy completely!The text after hiring finish shooting the last arrows Shi woulds be to carry on the back long bow at after back, bring up long knife, would be the Cang to the week to drink a way:"Week black piece!Prepare!We up!"
"Ha ha ha ha!Good Le!"Week Cang that has already can't waited for, ha ha on smiling, would was and lifted him that to follow the text to the giant broad sword and hire and then hurtled and go out!And follow they together go out of, also have the last batch the officers and mens for concealing in the text and hiring after death also is all voice to together bawl at and hurtle to kill to go out!Even those bow and arrow hands is also to lay up bow and arrow at the moment, lifted short sword to mix in the knife ax among the soldier together killed to go out!
"Is bad!"Listen to what this burst upon shout to kill a voice, that young man and a stem escort all is to get a fright, young man just instauration come over of dispassion shape, for an instant again is become panic to get up!He turns to read one intention that Ma Xiang understood the other party of think, would being to sign, this wants to spare no one they!
"Adult!How should we do?"Although those escort still unexpectatively and so deep, as for enemy that looking at all directions to round to come over, the in the mind is to know far from good, a s all turn a head to hope to young man, etc. write he does a designation.Just now this circumstance, the Rao is that young man to have artistic talent again, also at the end of one's tether!
"Greatly, adult!"At this time, from the flower Jiao is also spread a to shout clear and crisp Jiao, is spend a bride in the Jiao also is to be frightened to death, acrossed door screen to shout 1.
Listen to the bride's appeal, that young man became overdo to see one dim in vision Jiao and made sure to is what the bride in the flower Jiao of the right side shouts, the favour was to spend Jiao to embrace a boxing to drink a way to that:"Little madam trust, please!Belonged to my simple home, this life, also necessarily protected two safeties!"
Finish saying, the young man becomes overdo, enemy hope to around and slowly approach, a face decidedly towards surroundings ground, the escort drinks a way:"The Ru waits all for Sun Shi Jun's subordinate!Today when requite an effect to make a gentleman by dead!Kill!"
"Kill!"These escort can is all eastern soldier of senior river that followed Sun Jian Dong to advertise for west to beg for in those early years, to Sun Jian that is it may be said utterly loyal, listenned to young man's this time encouraged, a s all fought an idea towering, bellow, turn over toward front of the enemy killed pass by!
Although brave soldier's soldier also calculates is an up crack teacher, this text hires and the week Cang bring of, all of big parts are new soldiers, only the half or so ginseng once added the war of begging for Tung, the fighting strength compares with these old-brand river east soldier to say, or want to differ up many!Although occupy advantage on the number, can but be successively killed by the other party to withdraw in defeat!
See situation to even have the hope to pull back, the young man right away would is to issue order those bearers to lift flower Jiao and follows those escort to kill to go out!As long as can break out of ring of encirclement, perhaps still hopeful!
See, will drive spend Jiao to rushed out surrounding of brave soldier's soldier, suddenly be listen to suddenly and violently drinking of a deep-fried thunder sort, a dark shadow suddenly from the sky but decline, directly block at the flower Jiao want to break through siege of direction.Sees a together cold light flash across, that three heads of escort that block in that dark shadow front sign a horse be fly up Gao Kong!Is exactly a week Cang to arrive to in time, stare at the opponents before fixing attention ons, the week Cang wild manner replies and roars a way as the wild beast:"Want to escape?Have no a door!"
"Oh oh!"The Cang that sees a week made moves, and a make moves is so good effect, those the brave soldier soldier officers and men aring inhibitted's signing a horse is a morale to greatly flap, together the voice bawls at, heel in the Cang in week after death, once again toward the blunt escort kill pass by!
That young man sees that unexpectedly and thus severe, the facial expression is frightenned deadly pale, flurried toward or so drink a way:"Turn around!Turn around!Hereafter the noodles is blunt!Hereafter the noodles is blunt!"He and those escort turn around to pour is very easily, needed to turn a body to would be and gaved those bearers a hard time and too late turned a direction, can be to come to a stop first, then turned a body at first, have already lifted flower Jiao to pour to walk!
Can only cherish, haven't waited they to walk several steps, in their new road front, was manies again a figure, is exactly a text to hire to rush through into!The text hires although the Cang wild manner like that with no week, can he closes lightly mouth to flick knife to cut to kill of power but is that the slightest unlike week Cang is bad!The beard knows that the text hires of long knife that but enjoy the instruction of yellow loyalty, although of no consequence is a top-class war will, at Jing state soldier in, that is also the last name of row!Although these escort is crack, how is the opponent that the text hires!
All there is enemy before or after, this lets that young man and one stem all of the escort is not from must peep out a despairing facial expression, young man not from get surprised shout:"Good heavens!Do I really need to die here?"Say, young man resolutely the Duo led a double-edged sword, directly is the edge of sword of that a double-edged sword goes toward his/her own neck from nearby of an escort hand up put on!
Young man but is to don't know, is exactly him this bawls at, but is arouse is fighting of the text hire of attention.Is as early as previous, text's hiring has already noticed this young man and see his generosity of spirit extraordinary, should be a common run of people!Of so previous that arrows text hires is to shot into that inside year man, but not is to shot into him, just is because the text hires of the target isn't that two brides in the flower Jiao, but this young man!Seeing this young man has to commit suicide, the text hires and how could makes him fulfill a wish and by leap and bound picked up a back up of long bow, curved the bow take arrows and directly would was to project three arrowses!
First arrows direct hit a double-edged sword in the young man's hand, that young man is just the scholar that a hand has no very small strength, how eat live a text to hire that sturdy arrows power, a double-edged sword in hand 1 didn't take hold of, immediately be gave to play to fly to go out!But connect down two arrowses but was a direct hit the young man's wrist, all shot to wear for two of his hands, in case this young man again play the ass!
After hands are shot by the arrows Shi medium, that young man is immediately one to bellow, painful get the faces all distorted, simply head a slanting, would be to faint!But the text hired to see and trusted more, cold hum a , long bow hereafter once the noodles throw, from have subordinate to answer, but he then holds long knife, continued to kill pass by!
The conductor with no young man, those escort also can be respectively all die in battle for, although they having been courageously fighting throughout,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, the margin of real strenght, making them finally still keep coming to fiasco, 57 escort, !But only the dead hire in the text and week Cang hand up of, fully have more than 40 persons!Also proved at the same time the fighting strength of these escort is astonishing!If not is there is a text hiring and week Cang, only afraid do these several hundred people still trap not to live these escort!
"Hum!"The week Cang jilts clean the blood Zi of broad sword, seem still some ideas still don't exert a ground of Ze a , once walked in quick time the corpse of those escort, arrived at a text to hire nearby, say:"Old text!How many did you kill?"
The text hires to glimpse, Zhang Kou answer way:"19!"
A listen to the text hire of answer, the week Cang signs a horse be roar with laughter, made an effort to clap to clap own chest, say with smile:"Ha ha ha ha!I but chopped down 23!Is more than your boy 4!See!I say me to go than you!"
"Good good!You are severe!"The text hires lazy must realize the Cang in week this, the path went straight side in the flower Jiao, saw an eye swoon's the young man on the ground, bent from the waist to explore to explore his breath, see him still on the hoof, the in the mind was to just a little loosen tone.See him that too frail to stand a gust of wind appearance, don't die so!
The week Cang sees the action that the text hires, immediately is a full face doubt ground to ask a way:"Old text, you is this why?Stay to live?Ze!Don't think!Even if is on the whole last he, you also have no me to kill the person is many!"
"Go!Roll a part!"The text hires really drive week Cang to annoy enough Qiang, on putting a hand, would was to push away week Cang, again is turned round to head for a flank those honesties to lie prone at the bearer on the ground.Those escort death ray after, these bearers would are to sign a horse to throw down to spend Jiao and lay prone on the ground to surrender!So, unexpectedly make them temporarily protect life.But the text hire a would be the empress collar of dress of holding tight a bearer, drink to ask a way:"Say!You this is to give who do happy event?"
That bearer is been the texts of bloods by all of whole bodies to hire to get a fright, the full face was pale, the whole bodies all is cringing, saw the intention to murder that an eye text hire that full face, unbearable strong swallowed of saliva, meticulously answer way:"I, I, small BE, BE, the Yang state sting history, the big childe of adult's house marries Qie, smallly drive soldier Ye to call come of!"
"Sun Jian's son?"The text hires and once the week Cang listen to, that eyes are putting naked, indeed as expected is a big fish!Just regrettable, what to marry is a Qie room!The text hired Nu to make a signal by pursing and continued to drink to ask a way:"These two Qie rooms that bride is all Sun Jian's son and marries?"
The text hires to keep the name of shouting Sun Jian and makes that bearer temporarily haven't responded to come over, Leng a short moment, this just thinks of the Yang state sting history is Sun Jian, hurriedly is shake head an answer way:"Not, be not!Still having is a , BE, is the brothers of becoming sworn of childe, the week adult marries of a keep woman!All of these two brides are the young ladies of Wan cities Joe's houses, so get married for at the right moment same days!Big king!Big king!Really ignoring is small of what matter!Please big Wang Rao Ming!Rao life!"May be the cause that led a period of time, this bearer is on the whole to slowly lead a strength, talked be not so stammer either, face still don't forget to beg for mercy, just he to still think now that the text hires, the week Cang etc. person to is the thief person who robs a way.
"What is useless talk!Does Lao Tze still have words to ask you!"Although the text hires don't intend to let these bearer of on the hoof, however the nature can't speak now, but the young man who points at that swoon and before be shot to kill of the middle age man, continue to drink to ask a way:"Who are they ?"
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