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Work properly but it happened that believe deeply to doubt not to this.1,100 in the last yearses.People for fighting for respectively of the effort and sacrifice of just solving of the spirit orthodoxy of teachings a .Is in no case weaker than they are to satisfy thing desire and power desire up once consigned of everything.People need in the Jing orthodoxy of teachings to have to pursue and achievements.Because they are after all still all person.They want with effort like this eyes and constructs the future of his/her own race and this world.They think to only hug this kind of spirit to eye to construct with spirit.Future would|BE belonging to himself/herself.Is whichever to weaken spirit to eye with the race that spirit construct in the end|get of by all means is softening of the whole race is as soft as Wei.Even if it is once very wealthy.This kind of change probably can not use much long of time.Probably is 23 decades,Artist Series.This kind of each part that the trend weakening is in its body for the meeting gradually clears up ……
Tang Ling works properly a momentary of foolish station incredibly know no bounds so of think a way she also involuntarily associates to have to she the boon enlightenned of Qin Shao visits.And his First International bank ……
The old style record machine slow-movingly takes a stroll in the ancient plain den of the country villa second floors.A head classic movement fills the air in the den of this ancient plain elegance.
Leads the old man of the Xiang of half hundred facial expression to sit upright for a year the rocking chair before fireplace ascend tiny shut a double of eye.The list comes up to see from the external appearance.Who can't see an old man, either is one of China's most important cores.Control the pre-eminent person of the economic life vein of China all alone.
The living secretary sits by the side of the old man's body.《Anna the card row Ni Nuo 》 that reads aloud Tolstoy for the old man.Euphonic melodious modulation in tone.
"Chief."Tang Ling works properly to put his/her own light step as far as possible.The way of small voice.
"BE work properly.You came."Old man's tiny double of eyes slowly open.Put to put a hand to own secretary.Immediately see work properly a smile way to Tang Ling.
Old man of kindly and reasonable and easy to get along with make Tang Ling work properly heart in a warm.The tone is some H'm swallow:"Chief.I was ungrateful to you to send to me to of great and earnest hope."
The living secretary saw one eye|page empress.Have the book matched.Put at several short up.Works properly courtesy toward Tang Ling of tiny tiny a smiled Gong to withdraw den.2 people leave the space of conversation.The old man worked properly to recruit to beckon with the hand a way to Tang Ling:"Work properly.You are mine of dint assistant.Here again have no outsider.Come me to nearby sit.Accompany me old headman to say."
Tang Ling works properly strong endure the compunction in the heart.Discomfort in the bureau of nearby sit down at the old man.The taste pays no attention and sweeps through that thou and packs Anna of the origin the card row Ni Nuo 》.
The old man seemed to see the doubt that Tang Ling works properly.Way:"It is all rotting trick of some propertied classes."
Tang Ling works properly some frighten into inaction of accompanying and smiling the momentary didn't know some Shis.Hesitated a long time.Tang Ling works properly to decide still have already handed in to the old man's document directly make collective report again for a while:"Chief.We originally beat to help prosperous Qian Qian afresh carry on to Hong Kong finance once effort for shuffling cards have already fallen to the ground ……"
This time's making collective report is a Jian description
Work properly the facial expression of seeing the old man to change of a bit tiny the serious mind is one Lin.Language of careful and authorities many:"We originally try to draw together prosperous Qian Qian.Prop up her to come to cut off Qin Shao to visit for the control of joss-stick real estate influence.But change a plan because one make the person of the plum hero's man appear.But I just arrived news.The plum hero's man has already suddenly died of illness in the United States.And prosperous Qian Qian also at momentary the cooperation that stopped halfway together us thoroughly she all shares are gratis to transmit in the peaceful times group to Qin Shao visit ……"
The "prosperous Qian Qian now person'" old man suddenly asks a way.
Tang Ling works properly tiny tiny one Leng.This just quickly answer way:"Have already left Hong Kong|left for to don't be clear."
"."Old man H'm 1.Is tiny to shut of in the double eyes suddenly burst out relentless of vision.As if deep in thought of work properly to Tang Ling after ask a way:"Tang Ling works properly.You to prosperous Qian Qian how to see this person?"
Tang Ling worked properly to very carefully consider for a while.This just organizes a language answer way:"Chief.With I am to the viewpoint of prosperous Qian Qian.This woman is a very self-contradict aggregation.There is certain financial ability.Say that the prosperous surname group heads for Shuai Wu because Qin Shao visits according to the truth.But her career is again thus frustrated,Beats Solo HD.Shoulding would like to cooperate with us very much is just right.But I think impassability ……"
Way Tang Ling works properly.Your feeling have a probably prosperous Qian Qian root is Qin Shao to visit have already set out a good pawn?"
"This ……this how may?"Tang Ling works properly old of quilt the bold viewpoint arouses of whole body one the earthquake don't dare to believe of call way.
"Why impossible?"The old man put to put a hand.Is tiny tone way."In fact I pour is feel the prosperous Qian Qian, this woman pour is have much of political potential.It is quite good.Probably in the customs person's eyes.The prosperous Qian Qian is basically hard for own personal enemy effect to accept.Can this world is originally a ruthlessness world.The much less peaceful times group closes down to can not completely return to gather Qin Shao to visit, either of in the body.If you can think these ignore to solve me to say that the prosperous Qian Qian is a parlance of pawn that Qin Shao visits to early deploy"
Tang Ling works properly to cautiously surmise a person of this is some kind of.The station that doesn't live to establish body place ground on the position of prosperous Qian Qian consider some kind of this just self-effacing discover this seem not hard|solution.Her Tang Ling works properly of so today's achievement Qin Shao visits to have great achievement.She by herself now and Qin Shao's visiting station is in standing opposite noodles.Be not can explain a problem very much?A read the facial expression that works properly to this Tang immediately some pallors.Previously Tang Ling works properly not is have never thought this problem.But total before talks about in advance avert from
The person sees Tang Ling work properly have the appearance of Wu.Ordered to nod a way:"With smart his nature that Qin Shao visits can't surprisingly Hong Kong is for our importance.Will definitely have to guard against as well.Just who in advance also have never thought he will deploy this by surprise of a pawn Qin Shao visit to human nature of confidence far far at you on.The list is with this.You not are his opponent also not person's idea anticipate."The old man's words said a half.He at the beginning of so is heavy to use Tang Ling to work properly.Is on the other hand definite because what Tang Ling worked properly is just outstanding can.Because Tang Ling works properly understand that visits to Qin Shao can at the same time.Qin Shao visits and ever doesn't understand Tang Ling to work properly.Don't understand the weakness that Tang Ling works properly?Is all to result in today so embarrassed situation.He also wants to take some responsibilities.
Certainly.These words Tang Ling works properly to know.Engrave.The facial expression that Tang Ling works properly is uncertain a bit cloudy or sunny.The atmosphere of 2 people's is silent.
"The affair of harbor temporary doesn't lift.I have another arrangement."Old man don't want to lift this affair again slowly of depend return to chair up.Double the eye is tiny to shut of work properly to ask a way to Tang Ling."You are an international strategic researcher to be from.Say you to currently situation viewpoint."
"Okay."Tang Ling works properly immediately disillusion to come over.The favour comes a little bit own viewpoint pleasing way ……
"Never so.These a year is still a pain you."The eye that the old man is still tiny to shut a double.Pay no attention is from his mouth in came out such a words.
"Chief.I ……"Tang Ling work properly some be overwhelmed by special favor,cheap dr dre beats.Seem to be eager to explaining what.
"I know that you have very Lyu.The old man opens a pair of eyes.Work properly a mitigation facial expression way to Tang Ling."Although stay on the safe side is a kind of way.But pre-eminent resolute and courageous is also an exit.Probably we should also change our style.
"?"Tang Ling works properly a lookinging at of Hai old head.Surprise of could not say words.She the in the mind noodles is very clear.Just the short sentence of this only short several tens word spoke from the old man's.Actually mean what.
But don't treat Tang Ling to work properly to again open mouth an old man face up that kind of strange burst of color have already disappeared to disappear but is change a kind of very quiet language to work properly an explaination way to Tang Ling:"I am a bit tired.You return to first.Connect down how to do.I will moreover notify yours."
"Okay."Tang Ling works properly not to dare to ask more.Connect station to start come to old man very polite Ju one Gong.Wait until Tang Ling works properly of step disappearance.This just peeps out on the old face dignified definitely cut off of air.
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