
Beats By Dr Dre Studio g crown prince this

For insist on to follow behind vulgar Si to pay to shout that Luo Shan just removes from the office.Ao much the inside is tidily second arrangement and management wear Tai the west win the champion the all of the businesses and safe guard of temple, but the slightest there is no idea interfering with domestic affairs and completely disappear a party in government hall in.But big minister nobilities in the dynasty the slightest don't dare small see this of"invisible person", be connect highly respectable emperor's son the slightest don't dare to neglect this manager big minister as well.Sand Pu Er two a life times Be getting older(according to the history.Sand Pu Er two a life times be originally dying for 379 years, but the plot needs, postpone for four years.), He already 70 many year old.(sand Pu Er two a life times was born in 309 A.D.)Is exactly a breeze candle remaining years of lifely time, many people all at look at he after death of throne.But sand Pu Er two a life times but hasn't been specifying crown prince, this makes people Xia think 100001000.The period in this sensitive, no one dares to give offense to Ao much in second, because he can at sand Pu Er two a life time ear"not intentional" in say a your ill.You everlasting perdition.
Is positive because Ao much the inside is second to make use of his/her own this identity to the vulgar Si carry on protection, just don't make him be discriminated against by further and fight.And the vulgar Si also know the humiliation on his/her own body, he is lowly supercilious head, diligently work as a common military officer, after more than ten years of effort, he finally returned to Persia the Sa Shan dynasty ground upper-class society in.With lend him in the Persia war battled out with empire in Rome Syria and Persia and Armenia war in sign of military merit, is also in the Ao much in secondly and secretly look after bottom.Vulgar Si become Tai the west seal five generals that get city to defend a soldier generally of a.Belong to next there are about 50,000 cities defending a soldier, is an of biggest real strenght.
But Persia nobility and other a few brotherses have never seen him as an emperor inherit a person, because the vulgar Si pays original be not receive great favors very much, now body up again carry on the back wave know the mountain greatly hurt of humiliation, should can't drive sand Pu Er two a life times are appointed for the successor.
But the vulgar Si pay • from the tower gramThe radicle Si spaces out a full face of palace the hatred ground come out, but with vanquish a northern mansion person, not, now call China the person have a relation.
Sand Pu Er two a life times are the Persia Sa Shan dynasties to have much of is a ground monarch, he is Howl's rice virtuous posthumous child of two a life times.At sand Pu Er two a life times haven't been born.The nobilities of Sa Shan then put crown and mean to be loyal to this new monarch on his mother's belly.Sand Pu Er two a life times really don't take many Weis that hope, then weigh the national power soldier of flapping the Persia after becoming adult and adopt a series actively inside the outside policy and make Persia became to had an authoritarian nation most at that time.
Sand Pu Er two a life times recovered through many wars the generation loses first of Persia the west and many regions in the eastern frontier.In the east.He with are respectively expensive government ground frost the princes and dukeses to battle.Is end to swear allegiance they, and make it becomes hereafter outward the ally of war.Not only made stronger to shout Luo Shan, but also stretch influence into vomit fire Luo and region in river.
It is exactly empire in Rome at west his opponent.341 A.D., sand Pu Er two a life times and Armenia form treaty of alliance and try to make the Armenia become the assistant that he opposes Rome.346 A.D. sand Pu Er two a life time rate the battalion go on expedition Mesopotamia second.The 348 A.D. spaces out to hurt an emperor gentleman private Tan of Rome to lift the troops of two a life times of black Si at Xin Ka, but sand Pu Er two a life times can not yet conquer Mesopotamia second, hence hence and argument in Rome and.However he still can annex many lands.351 A.D., sand Pu Er two a life times sign anti- empire ground treaty of alliance in Rome with Armenia once again, however the Armenia soon breaks treaty to turn to throw empire in Rome to embrace.Sand Pu Er two a life times hence ferment and Rome again opens hostilities, 359 A.D. sand Pu Er two a life times get into Syria, he overran Xin Ka La, and beat off a gentleman private Tan to lift black Si two countercharges.BE successively winning victory of, Zhu Li An inheritted empire emperor in Rome, the non- Christian of this full of military practical ability gave sand Pu Er two a life times brought an idea unexpectatively pressure.
Zhu Li An not only defeated troops Persia, also counterattack Tai in the 363 A.D. west to seal.But sand Pu Er two a life times Be very quick to stop Zhu Li An's power head by a great victory, forced him to lead a soldier toward Rome.Zhu Li, who gets hurt, where withdraws on the way to fall in action.Sand Pu Er two a life times again carry out peace with Rome as a victor, he has already started to build up the dynasty of Sa Shan's hegemony in Asia, and monopolizes Armenia at this time.
Is proper when he prepares to continue to take the offensive toward empire in Rome the vulgar Si pays in the wave know mountain will 200,000 Persia the troops became China person victory of sill, sand Pu Er two a life times had to pay huge sum of of price and China the person talk with.After repeatedly weighing, sand Pu Er two a life times choose to continue to open hostilities with Rome, but empire in Rome also reached "a certain agreement" with person of China, this makes sand Pu Er two a life times don't dare to distinctly take the offensive to Rome any further and have to beat a few "limited war"s of just rights.
Helpless sand Pu Er two a life times have to put more energies at domestic.The household of Sa Shan first the Zu is also a sand Pu the ancestry of the Er to originally rest peacefully imperial Yao to teach a hereditary fiesta department.When the household of Sa Shan goes into lord Tai west the feudalism sign Persia the empire Sa Shan dynasty behind, also teach by Yao naturally is the faith of whole country.
After A.D. a few centuries, rise teach along with the Christianity and Mo Ni, Rome, Persia this all faces to old opponents devotional of choice.The empire in Rome.Mainly is a Christianity and Mo Ni to teach to compete with the ground of polytheism in Rome threes, finally at gentleman private Tan D the big emperor ages(306-337 years) established the governance position of Christianity.But in the Persia, then originally of the Yao teach together the Christianity and Mo Ni teaches of the tripod sign.At sand Pu Er two elder generation Baches pull Mu one a life time, two a life time periods, once large numbers of persecutions, massacre Manichee.Consumedly weakened its influence, but Christianity still in the fast fierce development, arrive sand Pu Er two a life times reign initial stage, Christian already have Persia population of be close to 1/3, greatly have already replaced the Yao teaches of power.Arouse Yao's teaching the fiesta department the dismay and hostility of the stratum, plus Christianity has already obtained an orthodox tradition position in the empire of Rome and escape the suspicion of "traitor" at the difficult Persia imperial Christian.Hence, teach the fiesta department the ground to incite in the Yao under, sand Pu Er two a life times have greatly added a persecution to the local Christian since 339 A.D., large numbers of Christians are killed, and numerous Christ churches and saint thing are ruined.The Christian of luckily survive has to also pay extremely high poll tax.Although the Christianity of Middle East not and consequently perishes, from now on never to rise again.
For this problem, China of once China ever in Chang-an the scholar the professorses of Chinese studies talked over, end get the ground conclusion is a sand Pu Er two these actions to China to say to is that the benefit is bigger than a fraud.After Alexandria conquers Middle East, Middle East got into "the Greece turns ages" in hundreds of years and consumedly drew near Middle East and Europe in the distance on culture, but along with the extensive dissemination of Christianity, if it can get a governance position in the two sides, so at under the inspiration of the Christianity Pu a life time spirit.Europe and Middle East blend to become one on culture whole probably won't be a dream.Till that time, influence the strong Christianity world will be able to directly threaten the western Jiang of China empire.
But sand Pu Er two persecutions of a life times to Christianity broke this dream, his massacre and persecution to row between Europe and Middle East a faith ground Hong ditch, this Hong ditch will more and more big, finally becoming can not exceed.Resist for thousand years of the faith and consciousness appearance of of Europe and Middle East.In fact be have already raised prologue from this time.And for Persia empire to say.Sand Pu Er two a life times make their race heros, because he resumed Persia own race in a certain degree.
Discuss the professors of the Chinese studies of one this conclusion all had lately viewpoint.Now that empire in Rome and Christianity have no to conquer Persia and Yao to teach and so let China empire and saint be taught to conquer it, let it becomes a Christianity world and the saint teach a world of conflict ground most ex- follow, so to China empire to said and then haded a huge buffer region.This Christianity world in Europe has to directly face saint culture ground Middle East and regularly pounding at of the Persia, but China empire but can at behind strongly develop, and provide "power and resources" for this conflict,Beats By Dr Dre Studio.Once China supported this standpoint very much, because he knew the history is at the difference a life time up Related articles:

