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Personal security is something all women should be familiar with. It is a very good idea to keep pepper spray on you at all times. However, there are many things you should know about pepper spray and you might even consider taking a training class or get information on how to prepare yourself for it. This might sound silly but it won be the first time you spray it incorrectly.

Pepper spray protection canisters are also known as OC and come from chili peppers. This type of spray is not the same thing as mace chemical. Pepper spray is an inflammatory and it works instantaneously upon making contact with mucus tissues like the eyes, nose and mouth. Mace can take up to 5 seconds before it can go into effect on an attacker. When pepper spray is sprayed on an attacker it will cause the blood pressure to increase, the heart to beat faster, and even ventilation. It will cause the attacker to begin coughing and choke. They might even vomit. If pepper spray is sprayed into the eye area on the face it can even cause temporary blindness. All membranes will swell to the point that the attacker can only breathe. They will be entirely disabled. Pepper spray protection can save your life.

Because of the severity of this type of defense mechanism it is important to seek pepper spray training so you know how to use it properly. Proper use includes the moment you grab for the spray and intend to use it. The canister needs to be facing in the right direction so you don spray yourself and there might even be a safety latch you need to undo. You should learn how to test a pepper spray canister. Personal security is very important but you will not have any security if you don know how to use this weapon.

When you consider pepper spray protection it is important to be able to react quickly. If you cannot respond fast enough in a dangerous situation it will remain at the bottom of your purse and you will never have the opportunity to use it on the assailant. Many people are afraid to use the pepper spray also. These two elements are the primary reason why some form of pepper spray training is very important.

An attacker can be stopped dead in their tracks instantly when you use a canister of pepper spray on them properly. Just spraying the OC canister for one quick second can stop an attacker for over 30 minutes. You don have to worry about causing permanent damage to a person when you spray them with pepper spray. It is very safe to use and designed to temporarily disable an attacker for personal security if you feel threatened.

There are possible disadvantages to pepper spray protection you must be aware of. Pepper spray may not work in all cases. It is common for people who are on heavy drugs such as psychotics or under some type of influence to not be as affected by the affects of pepper spray. They might show the physical signs of the pepper spray swelling up their skin and other symptoms of the spray working, but they will not be sufficiently affected. This means an attacker under an influence will feel no pain and they will not be totally disabled. That is why when you seek pepper spray training you also might consider learning a few basic self defense moves also. The last thing you would want is for an attacker who does not feel the pain of pepper spray to get a hold of the OC canister and use it on you.

There are laws and regulations regarding pepper spray protection also. Even though you have pepper spray on you for personal security if you use it improperly you may go to jail or suffer serious fines. The entire purpose of pepper spray is designed for protection and self-defense. It is a crime to use it for any other reason other than that. This is because the contents are very dangerous. Children could be injured if they got a hold of your pepper spray canister too. If you cannot prove to a police officer you were defending yourself when you used it you could suffer by spending time in jail,Beats by Dr Dre Pro.

Pepper spray training is something to be considered if you are looking for a method of personal protection because you spend a lot of time alone at night in public places. It is important to receive proper training or instructional information on how to use this safe non-lethal weapon. You should understand the affects and not be afraid to use it. It is important to know how to react quickly when an attacker approaches you. Related articles:

